Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pretty Drive

I love looking at the snow! Key word being "looking". I really dont like to be cold, so I would much rather just see the snow while still being toasty warm. Recently, I had to drive through Snoqualmie Pass. During that drive I went from rain/hail to snow to sunny and almost warm. Here are some quick shots of the pretty part of the drive through the pass:
 This is actually water. You cant really see it, but the very center is the only part not frozen/snowed covered.
 Of course it got much deeper looking right around the resort area where the plows made "walls".


I saw this adorable little jacket at Gymboree the other day. Unfortunately, even on clearance Gymboree's prices are nearly always way too much for me to pay! This was one of those times. Even on clearance it was still well over $20.
It's kind of hard to see in the photo (taken on phone), but the bottom of the jacket is made like a two tiered ruffle dress, and it has a hood. I have a jacket pattern in a similar style, so I plan to make the top half from the pattern and then make the bottom half based on the two tier dress style. I really need to stop added to my to-make pile, but I just love this little jacket!

I Love Sales!

I LOVE Old Navy clearance! Especially when it's an extra half off! I tend to buy the  kids clothes a season ahead when they are on clearance. This is much cheaper than shopping even the regular sales during the seasons.

The kind of odd thing about this season's clearance at Old Navy was that over half the items on sale were spring/summer clothes! I got the girls a bunch of tee shirts for whenever it decides to warm up. I also got them some jeans, jackets, and sweaters. I splurged a bit on an adorable fall/winter coat for Kaylee at $10, but it was too cute to pass up (and still a pretty good deal)!

I got Tyler a few tee shirts, 2 jackets for next year, and a bunch of boxer shorts. Nearly everything I got was on sale for only $0.97 to $3.49!

This time around I bought some clothes for me too. I decided I wanted some clothes I could wear at work during the summer that didn't involve long pants. I got 4 skirts, 2 dresses (one not pictured), 2 pairs of jeans and a pair of cords. I also splurged a bit on a cute peacoat and a black blazer (not in picture) to go with my cold weather work clothes. The total for my clothes was $43.42 before tax, and that includes the splurges of the blazer and peacoat that were $10 and $11!

Friday, April 1, 2011

K's Ballet Class

This was K's first ballet class of the session (she took pre-ballet last time, but got into ballet this seeion!) Photography done by Q through the window, so please excuse the poor quality! She love dancing so much! I love that the kids all enjoy the things Q and I enjoy.

I love this one because it looks like she's twirling really fast!

Finding daddy after class:

Hooter Hiders! AKA Nursing Cover-ups

Three nursing cover-ups for my SIL! For those who dont know what these are, they are the alternative to putting a blanket over yourself and baby when nursing with others around. THese have a pop out neck that provides mom and baby a view of each other while still being covered.
All three ready to go: